ISSN : 1229-0653
This study explored the components of positivity that help adult Koreans maintain a positive attitude toward the self and the society. Taking multiple perspectives was conceptualized as a core characteristic of positivity that enables one to find meanings in and/or to create meanings for the self and the society in which one lives. Thus positive cognitive tendencies such as taking multiple perspectives were hypothesized to promote self-acceptance, self-belief, self-control, adaptation to and acceptance of the society. Based on these conceptualizations of individuals' positivity, preliminary scale items were constructed, and development and validation of a positive attitude scale was attempted, using 352 college students and 401 adults. As expected, results of exploratory factor analyses revealed 6 factors, which were named as multiple perspectives, self-acceptance, self-belief, self-control, social adaptation, and acceptance of society. Among these factors, however, self-belief factor was excluded because its items were found to be loaded with other factors as well, and because results of confirmatory factor analyses supported 5 factors model better than the other one. The final 5 factor scale was found to be reliable in terms of internal consistency and test-retest reliability, and to be significantly correlated with similar positive traits of the self as well as with psychosocial well-being variables in an expected direction, suggesting that the scale has good construct and predictive validity. As for incremental validity, positive attitude scale augmented prediction of positive emotion and stress-related reactions beyond a self-esteem measure. Finally, implications and limitations of this study were discussed, and future directions for this line of research were suggested.
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