ISSN : 1229-0653
This study examined that the effects of shortened cognitive interview(SCI) on the recall of normal intelligent older(over 65 years old) eyewitness. Independent variables were age (younger adults/older adults.) and interviewing techniques(SCI: SI). Dependent variables were amount of informations(correct, incorrect, total). Participants watched same video clip, then they were tested by Korea Mini-Mental State Examination(K-MMSE). And they were divided by age(older/younger), each 2 groups were divided by different techniques(older*SCI, older*SI, younger*SCI, younger*SI). Then each 4 groups were interviewed. As a result, older*SCI group recalled significantly more correct, total informations than older*SI group, but there were not significantly difference in incorrect information. And 2 older adults groups recalled significantly less correct, incorrect, and total information than 2 younger adults groups. Implications of investigative practice, limitations of study, directions for future research were discussed.
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