ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study was to compare three resilience scales and explore emotional characteristics influencing resilience. Study 1 compared with three resilience scales(e.g., Brief resilience scale, Block's ego-resiliency scale, and Klohnen's ego-resiliency scale) and investigated which concept of resilience was most significantly related to health-related variables. Findings revealed that Klohnen's ego-resiliency scale had significant effect on physical and psychological health in both zero-order correlation and partial correlation but other scales didn't. Study 2 investigated which emotional characteristics significantly predicted resilience. The hierarchical regression analyses showed that emotional clarity, emotional attention, emotional repair significantly predicted resilience as well as emotionality. Also, avoidance-distraction regulation strategy and intimacy expression strategy significantly predicted resilience. Limitations, implications and directions for future studies were discussed.
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