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What Changes Does People Think Money Bring?: Self-Other Differences

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.3, pp.45-61

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The present study investigated what kinds of changes people thought would occur if they earned lots of money. Self-other differences in their thoughts and relationships to money attitude were examined as well. In pilot study,we asked what kinds of changes would occur and selected 24 items based on the responses. In main study, we asked to rate 24 items on 7 change attributes. Among the 7 change attributes, the degree of change attribute was used to do factor analysis of 24 items. The results showed that with regards to the change of self, five factors such as external factor, future, breadth of mind, interpersonal relationships, donation were extracted. With regards to the change of others, internal factor was added to the five factors. Regarding the 7 change attributes, the values were mostly above 4 point that was the mid point, which implies that people thought that the change caused by money was big, continuous, positive, having a great ripple effect, fundamental, but controllable. The seven change attributes were also factor analyzed and the two extracted factors were change of quality and quantity. There were self-other differences both in the evaluations of the seven change attributes and the two factors. The relationships between the two factors and money attitude demonstrated that the more positive money attitudes were, the more change was expected in both quality and quantity. The results of the present study indicated that people believed many good changes would occur due to money and the changes occurring to self were especially positive. Implications, limitations and direction for future research were discussed.

money, money attitude, social comparison bias, happiness, 돈, 돈 태도, 사회비교 편향, 행복



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology