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Structure of Positive Emotion of College Student and Office Worker in Korea

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.4, pp.73-88

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This study examined the structure of positive emotion in the Korean context with 27 positive emotion words of which representativeness and familiarity were reported. Two samples of 234 college students(CS) and 111 office workers(OW) completed the survey. A six factor solution was explored in CS. Love(charmed, love, excited),Achievement(proud, rewarding, sense of satisfaction), Relaxed Happiness(peaceful, peace of mind, happy),Interest’(amusing, pleasant, joyful), Passion(fascinating, enthusiastic, touched), Attachment(glad, affectionate,longing for) factors were extracted. This 6 factor structure was not confirmed in OW. A five factor solution was explored in OW. 4 factors of Love, Achievement, Relaxed Happiness, Interest were extracted in both groups, but emotions that connote relationship and excitement show different pattern of experience between the two groups. Only in CS, Love and Attachment were divided. Besides, Passion correlated strongly with Achievement, Interest as well as Love in CS. One the other hand, in OW, Love and Attachment were not divided,and Love correlated strongly with Relaxed Happiness. The structures of emotional experience could be different according to ages and environments, and the theories to interpret those structures were discussed.

Positive emotion, Discrete emotion, Love, Pride, Happiness, Interest, Passion, Attachment., 긍정정서, 개별정서, 사랑, 자부심, 행복, 흥미, 열정,



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology