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The Influence of Happiness on Future Income and Job Performance

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2013, v.27 no.2, pp.17-36


This study examined the occupational outcomes of subjective well-being by using the two longitudinal data sets in Korea. The results showed that happy workers are more likely to be high performers on the subjective, objective and social indicators of job performance. Specifically, employees with high in positive affect were more likely to work harder, satisfy with their work performance and have higher level of positive job attitude and lower turnover intentions(Study 1). Also individuals with higher life satisfaction earned more money in 4 years later(Study 2). These beneficial effect of positive feeling and life satisfaction persisted even after controlling for initial job performance and demographic variables such age, sex, years of schooling, and job position. Finally, happy employees received relatively more favorable evaluations from supervisors and colleagues(Study 1). Overall, these results suggest that happiness increases workplace success.

happiness, subjective well-being, life-satisfaction, income, job performance, 행복, 주관적 안녕감, 삶의 만족, 소득, 직업 수행



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology