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Effects of Priming City versus Rural Area Concepts on Impression Formation

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2014, v.28 no.2, pp.141-156

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The present study examined the possibility that information relevant to the concepts of city and rural areas presented outside of conscious awareness can influence impression formation. Participants initially performed a parafoveal vigilance task in which some were exposed subliminally to words related to the concept of city area while others were exposed to the rural area concept. In an ostensibly unrelated second task, participants read a behavioral description of a stimulus person whose behavior was ambiguous, and then rated him on several personality traits. The results showed that participants whose concept of city area was primed formed more positive impressions of the stimulus person, especially on an ability dimension, than those primed with the concept of rural area. The implications of this study for stereotypes of city versus rural areas and the unconsciousness of priming effects are discussed.

점화, 인상형성, 도시, 시골, 무의식, priming, impression formation, city, rural area, unconsciousness



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology