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Intimacy in Online Space: Self-Disclosure, Responsiveness and Intimacy

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2014, v.28 no.3, pp.111-125

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Many new and important developmental issues are encountered during adolescence, which is also a time when Internet use becomes increasingly popular. Studies have shown that adolescents are using these online spaces to address developmental issues, especially needs for intimacy and connection to others. Reis and P. Shaver's (1988) interpersonal process model of intimacy suggested both online and offline spaces. Six hundred and fifty-six high school students completed an questionnaire about the activities on social networking sites, online/offline self disclosure, responsiveness and intimacy. The result indicated that the relationship between self disclosure and intimacy was moderated by responsiveness in online space. On the other hand, responsiveness mediated the relation between the self disclosure and intimacy on offline space. Finally, the implications of these findings and directions for future study were discussed.

Interpersonal process model of intimacy, online self disclosure, responsiveness, intimacy, 친밀감의 대인관계 모형, 오프라인, 온라인, 자기개방, 반응성, 친밀감



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology