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Development of the Perceived Threat to Elderly Group Scale(PTES)

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2014, v.28 no.4, pp.45-69

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This research reports the development and psychometric properties of the Perceived Threat to Elderly Group Scale(PTES), a measure of the perceived threat to the elderly group for young and middle-aged adults. Based on Stephan's intergroup threat theory, this study assumed that young and middle-aged people would perceive a realistic threat and a symbolic threat to elderly group. To fill the need for a measure of young and middle-aged adults' perceived threat to the elderly group, we developed PTES. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted using two samples. Analyses identified a model with three factors: perceived political threat, perceived value threat, and perceived economic threat. Multi-group factor analysis demonstrated that PTES could be used across different age groups. Internal consistency for PTES subscale scores were good. Testing the association between PTES and the related constructs demonstrated that the PTES has good concurrent and incremental validity, and is almost unaffected by social desirability. The findings suggest that PTES is a reliable and valid scale that measure the extent which to young and middle-aged adults' perceived threat to elderly group.

노인세대 위협에 대한 인식, 실질적 위협 인식, 상징적 위협 인식, 노인차별주의, 통합된 위협 이론, 집단 간 위협 이론, perceived threat to elderly group, realistic perceived threat, symbolic perceived threat, ageism, integrated threat theory, intergroup threat theory



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology