ISSN : 1229-0653
In this study, I have sought to explore the linkages among college students’ communication with their parents, ego identity, and commitment to their career choices. In particular, I have investigated whether college students’ ego identity mediates the relationship between the college students’ communication with their parents and commitment to their career choices. To test my arguments, I have conducted a survey of college students from Seoul, and Gangwon and Jeju provinces. A final sample includes 308 students from the above regions. For my analysis, I have employed correlation and multiple regression analyses using SPSS 18.0. Additionally, I have conducted the Sobel test to test a mediation effect. I have found the positive and significant correlations among parent-student communication, college students’ commitment to their career choices, and college students’ ego identity. Second, I have found the positive and significant relationships between parent-student communication and college students’ commitment to their career choices, between college students’ ego identity and commitment to their career choices. Finally, I have found that college students’ ego identity mediates the relationship between parent-student communication and college students' commitment to their career choices. I have discussed findings, theoretical and practical implications, and future research in the final section.
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