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Cultural differences in the stability of self-report measures: A comparison of Korean and German students

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2015, v.29 no.3, pp.67-83

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This study aims to examine if the stability of self-report measures vary with culture. People from East Asian countries are generally assumed to behave more flexibly in different interpersonal contexts and to put less emphasis on the stability of one’s self-image as compared to Westerners. It is hypothesized that this difference is related to the stability of self-report measures and would be explained by interdependence. A questionnaire study was conducted with 257 Korean and 196 German college students. Both samples were divided in two subsamples according to their level of interdependence. Data on the retest-reliability of self-report measures were collected through the repeated assessment of 6 NEO-PI-R scales: warmth, gregariousness. altruism, modesty, dutifulness and self-discipline. There was a one-month interval between the two measurements. Retest-reliability coefficients were transformed into the Fisher’s Z scores, and data analysis was carried out for these scores by one-tailed z-tests. Our results partially support the assumption of cultural effects on the stability of self-report measures. For the altruism scale, retest-reliability was significantly lower in the subsample with a higher level of interdependence both in Korea and in Germany. For the modesty, dutifulness and self-discipline scale Retest-reliability was significantly lower in students from Korea who also showed higher level of interdependence. The results were discussed in terms of interdependence.

retest-reliability, self-report measures, NEO-PI-R, interdependence, 재검사 신뢰도, 자기보고식 심리측정, NEO-PI-R, 상호의존성



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology