ISSN : 1229-0653
This study aimed to examine how defensive pessimists and strategic optimists predict future performance and identify the effects of induced mood on their performance. A total of 459 university students in Seoul completed the Revised Defensive Pessimism Questionnaire(R-DPQ) and the Defensive Pessimism Questionnaire (DPQ). As a result, 47 strategic optimists and 51 defensive pessimists participated in this research and randomly assigned them to each group (positive, negative and control group). Positive and negative moods were induced by the ‘mixed mood induction method’ that presented sentences and music together, and performance of the participants was measured by the mental arithmetic task. The main findings were as follows: First, the results of expectation ratings indicated that the defensive pessimists had significantly lower expectations for performance than the strategic optimists. Second, an examination of the effects of mood on the performance of defensive pessimists and strategic optimists showed that the main effects of mood and cognitive strategies were not significant, but the interaction effect between the two variables was significant. Defensive pessimists performed better in the control condition than in the positive and negative mood condition, whereas strategic optimists had the lowest performance in the control condition. These results demonstrate that the effects of mood on performance varied, depending on an individual’s strategy. This study explains the results based on the cognitive strategy and the MAI(Mood As Input) model.
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