ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study was to translate and validate the Korean version of Chernyshenko Conscientiousness Scale(K-CCS), a measure developed to assess six facets of conscientiousness. The survey was conducted on 283 undergraduate students and 259 employees in Korea. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were evaluated to assess and validate the factorial structure of the scale, suggesting the five-factor structure(achievement striving, cautiousness, order, virtue and responsibility) with 30 items in result. Further analyses of convengent and discriminant validity show that all five factors show significant relationships with the IPIP Conscientiousness. Variation was also found between the facet scales with regard to criterion-related validity, which analyzed correlations between each of the facet scales and performance-related outcome variables such as GPA, career decisiveness, career adaptability, organizational citizenship behavior and subjective career success. Finally, incremental validity suggests that the total score of K-CCS explains career decisiveness, career adaptability and subjective career success above and beyond the effect of the IPIP conscientiousness. Based on the results, the implications and limitations of the study and suggestions for follow-up studies were discussed.
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