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Effects of Regulatory Focus on Children’s Creativity

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2020, v.34 no.3, pp.59-72


The present study examined whether simple environmental cues associated with regulatory focus influence creative thoughts of children(N=52). Specifically, it was predicted that promotion cues would elicit a risky, explorative processing style and, hence, facilitate creativity, whereas prevention cues would elicit a risk-aversive, vigilant processing style and, hence, restrain creativity. The results showed that promotion-focus triggered by the cheese maze task facilitated creative thoughts, whereas prevention–focus induced by the owl maze task did not influence creativity. The roles of environmental cues such as paintings and pictures in developing creative thinking are discussed.

조절초점, 창의적 사고, 향상초점, 예방초점, 동기, regulatory focus, creative thought, promotion focus, prevention focus, motivation



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology