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The Extension of the Conditional Reasoning Test for Creative Personality: Suggestion of an Additional Justification Mechanism and Validation

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2021, v.35 no.1, pp.69-97

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The recent call for understanding the implicit and unconscious aspect of personality gave rise to the conceptualization of implicit creative personality. However, to this end, theoretical and empirical examination of the implicit creative personality still lacks. The purpose of the current research is to add a new justification mechanism (the intrinsic motivation bias) to the Conditional Reasoning Test for Creative Personality (CRT-CP; Schoen, Bowler, & Schilpzand, 2018). First, based on the review of the five justification mechanisms included in the CRT-CP and the existing literature on creativity, we introduced the intrinsic motivation bias as an additional justification mechanism of creative people. Building on the operational definition of the intrinsic motivation bias, we created the corresponding Conditional Reasoning items. Using a sample of 240 undergraduate and graduate students in Korea, we examined the reliability and the convergent validity of the CRT-Intrinsic Motivation Bias with the CRT-CP, the explicitly measured creative personality and the explicitly measured intrinsic motivation. In addition, we sought for evidence of the divergent validity with the personality trait of conscientiousness. Finally, we tested the incremental validity of the CRT-Intrinsic Motivation Bias and the extended CRT-CP, respectively, in the prediction of creative achievement. We discussed implications with respect to the potential extension of the CRT-CP and the usefulness of the CRT-Intrinsic Motivation Bias, as well as the limitations of the current study.

implicit measure, Conditional Reasoning Test, CRT-CP, creative personality, intrinsic motivation, 암묵적 평가, 조건추론검사, CRT-CP, 창의적 성격, 내적 동기

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology