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The Influence of Diabetes Stress on Depression: The Moderating Effects of Individual Variables

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2007, v.12 no.4, pp.851-868

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This study investigated the influence of diabetes stress on depression, and examined the moderating effects of individual variables, such as coping skills, self-efficacy, health locus of control. Participants were 117 diabetes patients by arbitrary sampling. The employed statistical methods were a series of hierarchical regression analyses were applied. The results showed that diabetes stress was significantly related to depression. Main effects revealed that the more experience of diabetes stress and perceive of external health locus of control, the higher level of depression. and the lower of self-efficacy, the higher level of depression. The interactive effects of diabetes stress and two sub-dimensions of self-efficacy(efficacy of self-management /efficacy of specific situation) on depression were confirmed. Finally, external health locus of control was shown to be a moderator in a relationship between diabetes stress and depression. Implications and limitations were discussed.

diabetes stress, efficacy of self-management, efficacy of specific situations. external health locus of control. depression, 당뇨스트레스, 자기관리효능감, 특수상황대처효능감, 외적통제신념, 우울, diabetes stress, efficacy of self-management, efficacy of specific situations. external health locus of control. depression



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology