The purposes of this study are to investigate the differences and relationships of emotion, cognition, and behavior responses between the car accident experienced drivers and the accident-free drivers when facing car accident scenario. The respondents with driving experience above a year were asked to rate the experienced emotion, cognition, and behavior in driving scenario. Responses of 343 participants had been analyzed factor analysis, t-test, and correlation analysis. In factor analysis, 2 factors were showed in the emotion, cognition, and behavior responses, respectively: anxiety and anger in emotion, other-blame and self-blame in cognition, and aggressive responses and defensive responses in behavior. In t-test, the car accident experienced drivers have more other-blame than accident-free group. There is no significant differences in self-blame. In behavior responses, the accident experienced group reported more of defensive responses than the accident-free drivers. In correlation analysis, anger was correlated with other-blame and aggressive responses, respectively. Anxiety also showed positive correlation with other-blame, self-blame, and defensive responses, respectively. Other-blame was correlated with aggressive responses and self-blame was correlated with defensive responses. It is suggested that the appropriate level of anxiety may be effective in safe driving.
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