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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Exploring of the Psychological Models to Explain Adolescence's Internet Addiction

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2009, v.14 no.3, pp.531-548


This study tested to psychological models of the theory of planned behavior(Ajzen, 1991) and explored an alternative psychological model to explain internet addiction behavior of adolescence. A sample of 570 adolescence was surveyed for research and data was analyzed through multiple regression analysis and structural equation model analysis. In the TPB, attitude, subjective norm explained 17.9% and in the alternative model, attitude, subjective norm, mindfulness explained 21.3% of internet behavior intention. In the internet addiction behavior, TPB and alternative model, explained 27.9% and 33.8% of behavior. This result implies advantages of alternative model in prediction of internet addiction behavior compared to TPB. Based on this result, the last section of the thesis discussed the limit of the research and suggestion for future study.

인터넷 중독, 계획된 행동이론, 지각된 행동통제력, 주의인식, 인터넷 사용에 대한 태도, 인터넷 사용에 대한 주관적 신념, internet addiction, theory of planned behavior, perceived behavioral control, mindfulness, internet addiction, theory of planned behavior, perceived behavioral control, mindfulness



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology