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A Study on the Validation of The Reasons for Living Inventory

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2010, v.15 no.2, pp.227-242

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The Reasons for Living Inventory is a scale developed by Linehan and is made up of the reasons why people do not actually practice suicide when they thought about committing suicide. This scale consists of positive factors that prevent suicide(Survival and Coping Beliefs, Responsibility to Family, and Child-related Concerns) and negative factors about suicidal action(Fear of Death, Fear of Social Disapproval, and Moral Objections). This study examined the validity of The Reasons for Living Inventory for 301 adults(143 males and 158females). As a result, it was factorized into 4 sub-scales (Survival and Coping Beliefs, Fear of Death and Social Disapproval, Family Responsibility and Child-related Concerns, and Future Expectation). The scores of all factors except Fear of Death and Social Disapproval could differentiate the group of people who never thought about suicide, the group of people who had suicidal thoughts, and the group of people who tried to commit suicide. Especially, Family Responsibility and Child-related Concerns classified whether people are thinking of suicidal thoughts including suicidal action and Future Expectation could separate attempters and non-attempters clearly. Moreover, people who had a tendency toward optimism had significantly high scores on The Reasons for Living Inventory. Based on these results,suggestions and implications on the prevention of suicide and the development of programs are discussed.

자살하지 않는 이유 척도, 타당도, 낙관주의, The Reasons for Living Inventory, validation, Optimism



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology