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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of a Mindfulness Based Teenager Suicide Prevention Program (MBTP) on Suicidal Ideation, Depression and Self-esteem

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2012, v.17 no.2, pp.323-339


This study intends to verify the effect of a Mindfulness Based Teenager Suicide Prevention Program (MBTP) on suicidal ideation, depression and self-esteem. In order to accomplish this, 4 institutions such as youth consultation centers and 4 middle/high schools in Seoul and Incheon were selected. Also, after notice regarding MBTP program was sent and previous presentation was held, 23 participants who showed an opinion of participation through the telephone and email were arranged into an experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n=11) randomly. Questionnaires (e.g., suicidal ideation, depression, self-esteem, mindfulness) were completed by participants and before/after evaluations as well as an evaluation for 6 months after were also completed on order to verify the effects of the program. The MBTP program was organized a total of 10 times and 2 hours per week so as to practice the core technology based on mindfulness. From the results of material analysis, the score of suicidal ideation and depression of groups participating in the MBTP program reduced significantly and the score of self-esteem and mindfulness increased significantly. On the other hand, the control group didn't show any significant change. This implies that the MBTP program is effective as the self-control program for youth's suicidal ideation and depression. In the evaluation 6 months following the program, the standard of self-esteem and mindfulness was firmly maintained, so continuous effects of the program were confirmed. Finally, limitations and future study directions regarding this study were discussed.

mindfulness, suicidal ideation, depression, self-esteem, mindfulness-based teenager suicide prevention program, 마음챙김, 자살사고, 우울, 자기존중감, 마음챙김에 기반한 청소년 자살방지프로그램



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology