This study was performed to analyze the characteristics and effect sizes of intervention studies on psychosocial intervention for alcohol addiction. For meta-analysis, electronic literature searches were conducted for PubMed, CINAH, RISS, Naver academic, KISS, NDSL, Nanet, Kci, DBpia, and KoreaMed. Of the 495 studies identified, 31 were used to estimate the effect size with the RevMan 5.0 program of Cochrane library. The kinds of intervention were music therapy, art therapy, motivational program, cognitive behavior therapy, solution-focused program and relapse prevention program. The effect size of the intervention studies that showed higher effect size were in the following order: anger (d=-1.95), social problem solving (d=1.69), depression (d=-1.66), self-efficacy (d=0.94), stress (d=-0.89), and self-esteem (d=0.39). This study suggest that psychosocial interventions can increase social problem solving, self-efficacy and self-esteem, and decrease anger, depression and stress.
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