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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Difference in Resilience and Psychological Well-being of Male Inmates and the General Public

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2013, v.18 no.4, pp.763-781


This research explores the differences as well as the relationship of resilience and psychological well-being between imprisoned inmates and the general public. Moreover, this research studies the psychological support to help inmates’ rehabilitation to the society after they are released from prison. The target subjects include male adults(n=150) who are currently imprisoned in jail and male adults(n=150) who are of the general public and have not received any legal punishment before. The result of this study indicates that the resilience and psychological well-being of the general public are significantly higher than those of the inmates. The correlation analysis between resilience and psychological well-being indicates that there are strong positive correlations between the two variables for both the inmate and the general public groups. The interaction effect between resilience and imprisonment is statically significant. The groups with high resilience do not show a difference in the psychological well-being between inmates and the general public. On the other hand, the groups with low resilience indicate that the psychological well-being of the general public is significantly higher than that of the inmates. The probability(odds ratio) to be classified as a criminal shows that the group with low resilience is 2.04 times higher than that with high resilience. Moreover, the group with a low psychological well-being has 3.40 times higher probability to be classified as a criminal than that with a high psychological well-being. As these results indicate inmates with high resilience experience the same level of psychological well-being as the general public hence, it is crucial to enhance the resilience of the inmates. In light of both the strong positive correlation between resilience and psychological well-being as well as the difference between the general public and the inmates, the study discusses the role and significance of resilience for the appropriate rehabilitation to the society after the inmates are released from prison. Finally, the limitation of this study and the direction for future study are also suggested.

회복탄력성, 심리적 안녕감, 수형자, resilience, psychological well-being, prisoner, inmate



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology