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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Cognitive Characteristics of Institutionalized Children

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2014, v.19 no.1, pp.303-321


This study investigated institutionalized children's cognitive characteristics and their relationships with behavioral problems. Subjects composed of 110 children from 32 child-welfare facilities in Seoul (Average age: 11.31; 66 boys and 44 girls). Children's cognitive abilities were measured by using the K-WISC-IV, and their emotional and behavioral problems are evaluated with K-CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist 6-18). Data were analyzed by the mean, standard deviation, and correlation for descriptions. The K-mean cluster analysis was employed to investigate subtypes of cognitive patterns, and the one-way ANOVA was employed for finding differences among various age groups. Results showed that institutionalized children's average intelligence was 83.26 years (SD=14.36) which was lower than the standardization group. There were no differences in perceptual reasoning index, working memory index, and processing speed index of K-WISC-IV among the different age groups. In case of verbal comprehension index, however, the 13-16 years old adolescents showed lower scores than the 6-9 years old children. As a result of the K-mean cluster analysis, participants were divided into four groups (average group, low average group, borderline/mental retardation group, low verbal ability and attention problem group). The children from the borderline/mental retardation groups were reported to have more problems with regards to social immaturity and inattentiveness as compared to the average group. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study were discussed.

K-WISC-IV, intelligence, institutionalized child, group home, CBCL, 시설아동, 그룹홈, K-WISC-IV, 인지능력, CBCL



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology