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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Reconceptualization of the Response Styles Theory in Adolescents

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2015, v.20 no.1, pp.285-305


We examined the effect of Nolen-Hoeksema's response styles, response style ratio approach (rumination scores divided by the sum of distraction and problem-solving scores), and the expanded response style ratio approach (the sum of rumination and mood avoidance scores divided by the sum of distraction, problem-solving, and mindfulness scores) on depression in middle and high school students (N=629). The results indicated that in adolescents, RSQ ratio scores were more strongly associated with depression than RSQ rumination. Second, the expanded ratio scores accounted for additional variance in depression scores, controlling for RSQ ratio and RSQ rumination scores. Third, the proportion of high rumination/high distraction and low rumination/low distraction was higher than high rumination/low distraction and low rumination/high distraction. The adolescents sample study corroborated previous findings that a Nolen-Hoeksema's response style ratio approach more strongly predicts depressive symptoms than rumination scores. Furthermore, the study also provided the first support for the hypothesis that expanded response style ratio scores that add mindfulness and mood avoidance response styles to the Nolen-Hoeksema's response style theory additionally account for depressive symptoms. Finally, the findings were discussed in terms of limitations and treatment implications across the ratio approach.

반추, 주의분산, 문제해결, 기분회피, 마음챙김, 반응양식이론의 비율접근, 우울, 청소년, rumination, distraction, problem-solving, mood avoidance, mindfulness, response style ratio approach, depression, adolescents



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology