This study explored the differential developmental changes in the emotional recognition abilities of elderly childhood and early adolescent students according to gender using a web based Emotional Recognition Test-Revised (ERT-R). These periods were selected because they were considered the peak of brain development and the period approaching emotional stability. For healthy interpersonal relationships and social activity after these periods, emotional recognition abilities were also considered. ERT-R was developed for administering, scoring, recording and analyzing results for web tests, and the number and ratio of correct responses as well as the response speed for correct responses were measured by 1/100 seconds. In the global correct response ratio of ERT-R, female participants showed better emotional recognition abilities, and the developmental ageing effect was significant. Simple emotional recognition ability did not show any significant difference. However, in emotional discrimination, students at the elderly childhood stage showed significant differential changes than others. For the subtotal of contextual understanding, gender difference was significant, but differential developmental change was not. Among the subscales of contextual understanding, males showed significant differential developmental changes in happy and sad emotions. In conclusion, basic emotional recognition abilities had developed by elderly childhood, but some emotional discrimination and contextual understanding abilities were lower or showed more delayed developmental tendency in males than in female.
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