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Anxiety, Body Checking, and Eating Disorder Related Symptoms in Non-Clinical Group: The Mediated Moderating Effect of Body Checking Cognition and Behavior

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2015, v.20 no.2, pp.445-468

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Body checking includes any cognition and behavior aimed at gaining information about one’s weight, shape, or size. Body checking can increase body dissatisfaction through selective attention to disliked body parts and is one of the strongest correlates of eating disturbance. This study was performed to identify the mediated-moderating effects of body checking cognition and behavior between anxiety and eating disorder related symptoms in a non-clinical group. 398 college students (215 males, 183 females) completed measures of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Body Checking Cognition Scale (BCCS, Mountford et al., 2006), the Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ, Reas et al., 2002), and the EAT-26 (Garner et al., 1982). The results were as follows: first, the risk group for eating disorders had higher STAI, BCCS, and BCQ scores than the non-risk group. Second, a standard multiple regression analysis suggested that anxiety and body checking behavior predict eating disorder severity in males, but all three psychological variables predict eating disorder symptoms in females. Third, the results of standard multiple regression analysis indicated that anxiety was directly and indirectly (mediated by body checking behavior) related to eating disorder symptoms in females. Additionally, the interactions between anxiety and body checking cognition significantly increased the variations in eating disorder symptoms (moderating effect) in females. Lastly, the mediated-moderating effect of body checking cognition and behavior in eating disorder symptoms, which was analysed using SPSS Macro as suggested by Preacher et al. (2007), was confirmed in this study. This mediated-moderation indicates the effect of anxiety on eating disorder symptoms via a mediator (body checking behavior) and differs depending on the levels of the moderator (body checking cognition) in females. The limitations and implications of the study were discussed.

불안, 신체점검사고, 신체점검행동, 섭식장애, 매개된 조절효과, anxiety, body checking cognition, body checking behavior, eating disorder, mediated moderating effect



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology