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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effect of Adult Attachment, Intentional Rumination and Stress Coping on Growth Following Romantic Breakups

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.1, pp.247-270


This study aimed to examine the effects of identified adult attachment, intentional rumination, and stress coping on growth following the event of romantic breakups for adults in their 20s~40s. The path model in which intentional rumination and active and passive stress coping mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance, and the two dimensions of adult attachment, and growth following romantic breakups was analyzed. For this purpose, there were participants consisting of 399 unmarried men and women in their 20s~40s with experiences of romantic breakups, who completed the offered survey to find the validity of the model and mediating effect through structural equation. The results of this study were as follows: first, attachment anxiety negatively affected growth following romantic breakups while attachment avoidance did not significantly affect growth. Second, intentional rumination increased with the effect of increasing attachment anxiety, whereas intentional rumination decreased with the incidence of increasing attachment avoidance. Third, both active and passive stress coping also was noted to have increased as attachment anxiety increased, and passive stress coping was shown to have increased more significantly. In the case of attachment avoidance, only the incidence of active stress coping showed a negative effect. Fourth, attachment anxiety partially mediated intentional rumination and active stress coping in the path to reach growth following romantic breakups; therefore it is determined that the intentional rumination and passive stress coping were also partially mediated. In the path to growth following romantic breakups, attachment avoidance fully mediated intentional rumination and active stress coping; intentional rumination and passive stress coping were also fully mediated. Fifth, the group of those participants in their 30s or 40s showed a more significantly positive effect of intentional rumination and of active and passive stress coping, in the path to growth following romantic breakups with increasing attachment anxiety those in their 20s. Based on the findings, the implications on counseling and suggestions for future studies were discussed in the conclusions to the study.

Attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, intentional rumination, active stress coping, passive stress coping, growth following romantic breakups, 불안애착, 회피애착, 의도적 반추, 적극적 대처, 소극적 대처, 실연 후 성장



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology