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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

A Qualitative Study on the Development and Natural Recovery Process of Youth Gambling Problems

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2020, v.25 no.1, pp.125-151


The purpose of this study was to better understand the development and recovery process of adolescents' gambling problems and the psychological and social factors associated with the process. To this end, the process of developing gambling problems from the early gambling experience of teenagers, protection factors that worked on the process, recovery factors, risk factors, and the process of natural recovery caused by gambling problems were explored based on the ground theory. In this study, the subjects were classified into non-problem gambling, problem gambling and natural recovery groups. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted by developing interview questions suitable for each county. In the case of the non-problem gamblers, I was included among close friends or neighbors who had no gambling experience but had frequent (regular/repeated) money-for-gambling games, problem gamblers were teenagers in the 00 region who had been disciplined for illegal online gambling, and natural recovery members were those who had previous gambling experiences but did not. A total of 30 subject were interviewed (12 of the non-problem gamblers, eight of the problem gamblers and 10 of the recovery group). And the respondent data of the participants were transferred and analyzed using the rationale theory. The analysis of the data resulted in a total of 23 higher categories, 62 lower categories, and 156 conceptualizations. This study is meaningful in that it revealed the process of receiving and recovering Korean teenagers’ gambling problems, and discussed how the results could be used to study youth gambling in the future.

youth gambling, gambling problem development process, gambling problem natural recovery process, qualitative research, grounded-theory, 청소년 도박, 도박문제 발달과정, 도박문제 자발적 회복 과정, 질적연구, 근거이론



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology