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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Effect of bilateral eye movements on gambling cravings and behavior control in college students sensitive to loss

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2022, v.27 no.6, pp.911-929


This study aims to experimentally determine the effects of recalling memories of gambling losses accompanied by eye movement (EM) on gambling craving and behavioral control. To this end, we recruited 40 college students who sensitively responded to conditioned punishment and risk cues, and assigned them to treatment (Recall + EM) and control groups. Data collected from 31 participants were utilized in the final analysis. This experimental study was conducted in four steps: the baseline questionnaire (T1), the pre-game (to measure baseline loss experiences) (T2), Recall + EM treatment (T3), and the post-game (T4). After T2, T3, and T4, levels of gambling craving, intention to continue gaming, and irrational beliefs of the participants were measured using questionnaires. The results revealed that the treatment group showed significantly lower levels of vividness of scene recall as well as intensity of thought and emotion as compared to the control group. Likewise, a reduction in the tendencies was observed in gambling behavior in terms of betting, charging, and losses. A significant decrease was also observed in gambling craving, intention to continue gambling, and gambling-related irrational beliefs. The discussion section describes the implications, applications, and limitations of this study.

gambling cravings, gambling behavior, recall&eye movement, behavioral inhibition system(BIS), experimental study, 도박갈망 조절, 도박행동 조절, 양측성 안구운동, 행동억제체계(BIS), 실험연구



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology