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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The effects of COVID-19-related seeking risk information, fear, and subjective well-being on depression and anxiety

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2022, v.27 no.6, pp.963-983


The prolonged prevalence of COVID-19 has significantly increased depression and anxiety, and various risk and protective factors related to depression and anxiety during COVID-19 have been proposed. The present study aimed to investigate whether the risk and protective factors proposed in previous studies actually affected depression and anxiety. The participants were 606 adults who agreed to take part in the study and completed a series of self-reported questionnaires. An online survey was conducted by recruiting adults residing in Korea through a research company. A dichotomous logistic regression analysis was conducted. The results were as follows. First, compared to participants in their 40s, those in their 30s were more likely to be in the risk group for anxiety and depression. Second, as fear of COVID-19, risk perception of COVID-19, and information contact time about COVID-19 increased, it was more likely to belong to the risk group of depression and anxiety. Third, the more positive the change in life satisfaction was, the less likely the participant was to belong to the depression and anxiety risk group, and finally, the higher the World Health Organization (WHO) happiness, the lower the possibility of belonging to the depression risk group. The implications and limitations of the findings were discussed.

코로나-19, 우울, 불안, 삶의 만족도, WHO 행복지수, 로지스틱회귀분석, Covid-19, Depression, Anxiety, Life Satisfaction WHO happiness, Logistic Regression Analysis



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology