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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Factor Structure of the Illness Attitudes Scale(IAS) in a Korean College Sample

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2004, v.9 no.1, pp.203-218


The Illness Attitudes Scale(IAS) is a measure that consists of nine subscales designed to assess hypochondriacal concerns and abnormal illness behavior. The purposes of present study were to explore the hierarchical factor structure of the IAS in a nonclinical college sample and to examine the relations of the IAS to a set of hypochondriasis-related measures. Six-hundred and seventy undergraduate(318 M, 352 F : mean age = 21.07 years) completed the IAS as well as measures of MMPI(Hs), SCL-90-R(Somatization), and the Whitely Index. The results of principal components analyses with Oblimin rotation suggested the IAS is conceptualized as a eight-factor measure at the lower order level(with lower dimensions tapping Worry about illness, Health habits, Hypochondriacal beliefs, Thanato phobia, Disease phobia, Bodily preoccupations, Treatment experiences, and Effects of symptoms, respectively), and two-factorial measure at the higher-order level(with higher-order dimensions tapping Preoccupation to Illness associated with general hypochondriacal concerns and Concerns to Health associated with preventive behaviors). The factor structure overlapped to a high degree with the structure of the IAS proposed by Kellner(1986; 1987). The IAS and the lower-order dimensions were shown to be strongly associated with other hypochondriasis-related measures. A further study is needed to confirm the hierarchical factor structure of IAS, and to determine whether hypochondriacal concerns in clinical samples contributes to decision to seek medical care or consultation of a general practitioner gives rise to worry about possible illness.

the Illness Attitudes Scale, IAS, hierarchical factor structure, hypochondriasis, somatization, the Illness Attitudes Scale, IAS, hierarchical factor structure, hypochondriasis, somatization, 질병태도 척도, IAS, 위계적 요인구조, 건강염려증, 신체화장애



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology