This Study was designed to investigate the experience of Czickzentmihalyi's flow and mental health of the university students at the final examination situation. As regards to flow experience, 'flow-trait' and 'flow-state' were measured after the division of State/Trait Anxiety, once at the beginning of the semester and four times during the semester respectively. The level of mental health was assessed through SCL-90-R. The hypothesis was globally supported that the average level of 'flow-states' during the semester or of 'flow-trait' at the semester beginning predict the mental health of the students at the final examination situation. As results significant correlations were found; first, between 'flow-state' and 'flow-trait', second, between the mean of 'flow-state' measures / 'flow-trait' at the semester beginning and mental health, third, between 'flow-trait' at the semester beginning and mental health with 'flow-state' controlled, fourth, between 'flow-trait' at the semester beginning and mental health with 'flow-trait' controlled. The implications of the flow experience for the stress coping and counselling were discussed
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