This study examined the roles of problem solving and perfectionism for the process from life stress to depress. To identify the roles, 545 college students of both genders were studied for the moderating and mediating effects of the problem solving and perfectionism on the process from negative life stress to depress. The research tools used on them were BDI, negative life stress questionnaire, PSI, and MPS. The result was that negative life stress, problem solving, and evaluative concerns perfectionism showed positive relationships with the degree of depress. It was testified that evaluative concerns perfectionism operated as a factor to moderate the problem caused by negative life stress as well as a mediate factor. In case of Problem solving, it operated as a factor to moderate, but it was not proved to be a mediate factor. These results identified the importances of cognitive mediation to improve evaluative concerns perfectionism, and of problem solving ability promotion that affected the depress syndrome. Finally the limitations of this study were discussed
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