ISSN : 1229-0653
This study investigated the meaning of modesty behavior in different contexts in Korean culture. A total of 300 subjects were participated at this study. Normative modesty situations are composed of two animations, which are the praise situation after getting a better grade ever than in school, and the interview situation after winning a prize. One is significant in frankly and showy modest, the other is significant in expressing frankly, modest filled with one's heart, and inside inducement. Three interpersonal situations where are diverse vertical and horizontal relations, in modesty towards the old is different in good manners, modest with heart, and throwing the handkerchief. In friendship situation, it was revealed that it was important well-mannered, modest with minded, Chemyon (social face), and maintaining a relation. In lower relationship, it was more important in modest with heart, Chemyon, and maintaining a relation. Accordingly, modesty behavior which is one of social normative actions, is perceived as modest with the heart in Korean culture.
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