ISSN : 1229-0653
This research investigated integrated relationship among internal psychological trait, life experience, and subjective well-being. For this purpose, the mediating role of life experience on the relationship between psychological trait and subjective well-being is examined. Psychological trait included five factors of personality, self-efficacy, and individualism-collectivism. Life experience included interpersonal relationship, finance, and health. A total of 231 Korean undergraduate students were participated in this study. The results are as follows. First, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, self-efficacy, and collectivism are important psychological traits of subjective well-being. Second, interpersonal relationship and finance are more important than health for the students' subjective well-being. Third, path analysis indicates that extraversion and self-efficacy are positively related with the relationship with friends, which increase their positive affects. However, conscientiousness and collectivism are positively related with the relationship with parents, which decrease their negative affects. These positive and negative affects are related with the global evaluation of one's life satisfaction. These results indicate that individual subjective well-being and happiness are related with internal psychological traits and this linkage is mediated by one's life experiences.
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This research investigated integrated relationship among internal psychological trait the mediating role of life experience on the relationship between psychological trait and subjective well-being is examined Psychological trait included five factors of personality A total of 231 Korean undergraduate students were participated in this study The results are as follows, Life experience included interpersonal relationship