ISSN : 1229-0653
A representative Korean adult sample (N=1,000) was examined to understand the relationship between subjective well-being and major demographic and personality variables (Study 1). An experience sampling study was conducted additionally (Study 2; N=160) to reduce global memory biases. Consistent with past findings (Diener et al., 1999), individual's characteristics played a far more significant role than objective resources in predicting Koreans' happiness. Personality traits and lay beliefs of happiness accounted for about 18% of the variance in the self-reports, and sense of meaning and internal motivation accounted for more than 40% of the variance in predicting when people are happy. In comparison, demographic factors (e.g., age, marital status, religion, education, income) accounted for only 3% of the happiness variance. In sum, even in Korea where objective conditions of happiness are highly sought after, who the person is (his/her psychological characteristics) seems to be more important than what the person has (objective resource) in predicting happiness.
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