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The Self-enhancement and Its Relationship with Individual Adjustment

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2011, v.25 no.4, pp.61-76

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Self-enhancement and its implications for individual adjustment were investigated in this study. A total of 386undergraduate students rated themselves and others in their groups on the extent to which they actively participate in their group-based task. Using the scores of self-rating, rating by others, and rating of others, three self-enhancement indices were computed such as self-insight index (comparing self-rating with ratings by others), social comparison index (comparing self-rating with ratings of others), and social relations model index (subtracting perceiver effect and target effect from self-rating). The results of this study showed that self-insight index correlated positively with self-esteem and emotional stability, and negatively with individual performance. Social comparison index showed positive correlation with self-esteem and life satisfaction. In contrast to the self-insight index, social comparison index correlated positively with individual performance. SRM index showed positive correlation with only self-esteem. According to the degree of self-rating, rating by others, and rating of others, individuals were also classified into four groups as in-agreement/high raters, in-agreement/low raters,self-enhancers, and self-effacers. To investigate the difference between groups in terms of individual adjustment,one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc analysis were used. The findings suggest that the relationships between self-enhancement and individual adjustment vary with both self-enhancement indices and individual adjustment measures.

self-enhancement, self-insight index, social comparison index, SRM index, individual adjustment, 자기고양, 자기통찰 지표, 사회비교 지표, SRM 지표, 적응



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology