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Reliability and Validity of Power Motive Scale: Reinterpretation of ‘Index of Personal Reaction’

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2017, v.31 no.4, pp.143-164

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Power motive influences a number of important social behaviors, but an appropriate scale measuring power motive has not been developed in Korea. The purpose of the present study is to develop and validate a self-report scale that can reliably measure power motive in Korean. Based on the literature, ‘status pursuit’ and ‘influence preference’ were hypothesized as two underlying structures of power motive. Six hundred and four undergraduate participants completed a survey which included corresponding items from Index of Person Reaction (IPR; Bennett, 1988), then reliability, factor structure, and construct validity were examined. The findings showed high internal consistency, and both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed two-factor structures of ‘status pursuit’ and ‘influence preference’. Power motive was also significantly correlated with a variety of criterion variables in the expected directions, which confirmed convergent, discriminant, nomological, and predictive validity. Furthermore, power motive predicted status pursuit by showing significant incremental variance after extraversion was controlled for. The overall findings indicate that the currently-developed power motive scale is a reliable and valid measure for individuals’ differences in power motive. The implications and the limitations of the study were discussed at the end.

권력동기, 지위 추구, 영향력 선호, 구성타당도, 예언타당도, power motive, status pursuit, influence preference, construct validity, predictive validity



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology