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  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI

칭찬, 과제에의 가치, 및 내재적 동기

Positive verbal feedback, value of task, and intrinsic motivation

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1988, v.4 no.1, pp.263-287
안신호(Shin-Ho Ahn) (부산대학교 심리학과)
이상희(Sang-Hee Lee) (부산대학교 심리학과)


41명의 여대생과 42명의 남자 대학생이 두 가지 과제 (풍경그림 맞추기와 도형 맞추기)를 하며, 그 중 한 가지 과제의 수행수준이 매우 우수하다는 칭찬을 들었다. 풍경그림 맞추기 과제(여성들이 가치 있다고 여기는 과제라 가정함)에 칭찬을 들은 여성은 그 과제에 대한 내재적 동기가 증가함이 자유선택기간의 선택시간측정치 및 설문지 응답측정치의 분석에서 밝혀졌다. 이것은 Deci 등의 '여성은 칭찬을 자신의 행동을 통제키 위한 것으로 받아들인다'는 주장과 상반되는 결과이다. 내재적 동기연구에 있어서, 과제에 대해 개인이 부여하는 '가치'에 주목할 필요성과 관련지어, 결과가 논의되었다.



Deci's cognitive evaluation theory on intrinsic motivation asserts that the informational aspect of external events facilitates the internal perceived locus of causality and perceived competence, thus enhancing intrinsic motivation ; but that the controlling aspect facilitates the external perceived locus of causality, thus underminig intrinsic motivation. Positive verbal feedback(or praise) can be thought to have informational aspect. But Deci's several studies showed that, after praise, only male subjects enhanced their intrinsic motivation, but that female subjects undermined their intrinsic motivation. Deci explained these results that females interprete the praise as controlling, because of traditional sex-role socialization process. Zinser et al.(1982) reported similar results. The tasks used in the above experiments(Soma puzzle and Hidden Figure Test), however, seemed to be male-relevant in nature, and thus, the credibility of positive feedback(which informed that the subject were (the) most excellent on that task) was likely to be very low especially for female subjects. It is questioned whether if credibility of positive feedback is high, there is any sex differences in the role of informational aspect of positive verbal feedback. The studies on intrinsic motivation reported so far has ignored the importance of the individual's perceived value for the task. Praise for one's performance of the task with perceived value may have more influence on enhancing intrinsic motivation. The hypothesis of this, study is that the praise for the performance of the task valued by each sex can enhance each sex's intrinsic motivation for the task. It was assumed that Jigsaw puzzle, which showed very beautiful scenery when completed, would be valued by females, and that Tangram, which asked subjects to configurate given figures with geometric forms(triangles and rectangles), would be valued by males. 42male and 41 female college students did these two's kinds of puzzle, and received (1} no feedback, or (2) neutral feedback for one task(they were told that their performance was the same as, specifically, just above, the average), and positive feedback for the other task. Independent variables were the presence of the praise for the performance on the task(no praise, praise for the Jigsaw puzzle, or praise for the Tangram), subject sex(male, or female), and task order(Jigsaw puzzle prior to Tangram, or Tangrsam prior to Jigsaw puzzle). Dependent variables were duration that subject did each puzzle in free choice period, and self-reported interest in each task. The results of this study were as follows : (1) Praising females for the performance of Jigsaw puzzle enhanced intrinsic motivation, compared with no-feedback females, Tangram-praised females, or Jigsaw-praised males. (2) Praising males for the performance of Tangram did not enhance intrinsic motivation, compared with no-feedback males, Jigsaw-praised males, or Tangram-praised females. These results supported the hypothesis of this study only for females. Tangram did not seem to be as much valued by males as this study assumed.


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격