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The Effects of Purpose in Life on Self-Esteem, Problem solving aptitudes and Fear of Negative Evaluation

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2007, v.12 no.4, pp.951-967

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This research is to examine the effects of undergraduate students purpose in life on self-esteem, problem solving aptitudes and fear of negative evaluation. At the study, 277 students completed four questionnaires; PIL test, self-esteem, problem solving aptitudes & fear of negative evaluation. PIL test if utilized to measure the level of purpose in life and High/Middle/low groups are classified from the result. Correlation, t-test, ONEWAY and Stepwise Regression were applied to analyse the data. The results of this study are as follows. First, the correlation of the PIL, self esteem and problem solving aptitudes were showed significantly positive but fear of negative evaluation was showed negative correlation with all. Second, the male and female difference in PIL, self-esteem and problem solving aptitudes were showed male students group reported the higher level than female students. At the fear of negative evaluation was showed female group reported the higher level than male. In PIL and problem solving, religious group was higher than irreligious group. Third, the classified groups from PIL level were reported significant differences at the self-esteem, problem solving, fear of negative evaluation. High level of PIL was related to high self-esteem, problem solving subscale and to low fear of negative evaluation. The high group students conceit that good problem solver for oneself. At the result, the specific and concrete purpose can increase of self efficient and more successive result.

purpose in life on self-esteem, problem solving aptitudes, fear of negative evaluation, religious, 삶의 의미, 자존감, 문제해결 인식도, 부정적 평가에 대한 두려움, 종교



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology