The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of emotional intelligence, active coping and social support on PTSD symptoms through structural equation modeling. The Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale(PDS), Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale(WLEIS), The Ways of Coping Checklist and Social Support Scale were administered to 369 firefighters working in Seoul. To test the hypothetical model, SPSS 13.0 and AMOS 4.0 statistical analyses are used. In the research model, it was assumed that emotional intelligence would have effects on PTSD symptoms through being moderated by social support and mediated by active coping. The results indicated that the hypothetical model was proved. Results has shown that emotional intelligence could influence PTSD symptoms both directly and indirectly through active coping. And emotional intelligence decreased PTSD symptoms through interacting with social support. These results views the model about the effects of emotional intelligence, active coping and social support on PTSD symptoms, and this model helps understand PTSD symptoms of firefighters, also can be applied to program a useful treatment and preventive interventions of PTSD symptoms of firefighters.
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