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Moderating Model of Gratitude and Social Support on the Relationship between Happiness and Psychological Characteristics in Adolescents

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2012, v.17 no.1, pp.253-270

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This study aimed to evaluate an integrative moderating model of happiness which incorporated gratitude as well as cognitive and emotional factors. The Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI), Gratitude Questionnaire–6 (GQ-6), Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R), Eysenck Personality Scale (EPS), and the CERQ criteria were adapted to assess the model of happiness of adolescents. Four hundred thirty eight (438) middle and high school students who completed thee self report in Kyung-Gi-Do, Korea, were studied. Path analysis showed that there was a spurious effect on emotional adjustment relations between neuroticism and happiness; whereas gratitude and adaptive emotional adjustment had a dual mediate relation between extraversion and happiness. It was found that a narcissistic personality was a moderating predictor on the mediating variable of social support, and on personality traits and gratitude for happiness. The research outcomes proved that the gratitude and social support moderating model of happiness of adolescents were effective. These findings suggested that the tailored-treatment of gratitude on happiness might be an effective intervention. These results were discussed in the contexts of life span development, and the validity of stress severity on adolescents.

Happiness, Psychological traits, gratitude, social support, moderating/mediating model, 행복, 심리적 특질, 감사성향, 사회적지지, 중재모형



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology