The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of Positive Psychotherapy(PPT) Program on happiness, optimism, hopelessness and depression of the depression-prone adolescents. Four hundred seventy high school students completed the Subjective Happiness Scale(SHS), Revised Life Orientation Test(LOT-R), Beck Hopelessness Scale(BHS), Center for Epideiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D). The students who gained more 16 point score by CES-D and have lower SHS were screened. Twenty patients who selected by those scales were randomly assigned to 10 in the PPT group and 10 in the waiting-list control group. All participants completed SHS, LOT-R, BHS, and CES-D at pre-treatment, end of treatment, and at 6 weeks follow-up periods. PPT program was administered for 8 sessions. The results of this study were as follows: Happiness and optimism of therapy group were significantly increased more than those of the waiting-list control group. And the effects of happiness was maintained up to follow- up. But hopelessness and depression were not signicant difference between therapy group and waiting-list control group. Finally, the implication and the limitations of this study, and the suggestions for future study were also discussed.
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