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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Mediating Effect of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction on the Relationship between Self Concealment and Maladaptive Perfectionism and Psychological Health

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2014, v.19 no.4, pp.1063-1086


Self concealment and maladaptive perfectionism have been known to impair psychological health, but there has not been sufficient generalized research and underlying factors have not been identified. On the assumption that the two factors cause the maladaptive cycle that basic psychological need satisfaction, which is essential for psychological health, is suppressed and continuous attachment takes place in the process, this study designed a mediation model based on the self‐determination theory and conducted two experiments. Experiment 1 tested the model by surveying university students and ordinary people (n=386) using the structural equation method, and examined the mediating effect of basic psychological need satisfaction on the effect that self concealment and maladaptive perfectionism have on psychological health. Based on the results of Experiment 1, Experiment 2 measured the change of daily state in university students (n=50) repeatedly for 21 days using a hierarchical linear model based on the model tested in Experiment 1 in order to explain the causal relationship among the variables according to the daily state. The daily state of self concealment and maladaptive perfectionism was found to mediate the effect of daily psychological health on daily basic psychological need satisfaction. This suggests that basic psychological needs such as autonomy, competence, and relationship are impaired by the characteristics and daily state of self concealment and maladaptive perfectionism, and this, consequently, causes negative psychological health. Furthermore, the meanings and limitations of this study and future research tasks were discussed.

자기은폐, 부적응적 완벽주의, 심리건강, 자기결정이론, 심리욕구만족, 위계선형모형, self concealment, maladaptive perfectionism, psychological health, basic psychological need satisfaction, hierarchical linear model



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology