This study aimed to examine the effects of the Well-Being Cognition List on negative mood regulation expectancy, well-being, and stress management. The participants consisted of 40 freshmen at a women's university in Seoul, who were all randomly assigned to either a well-being cognition group (n=20) or a waitlist control group (n=20). The participants in the well-being cognition group were instructed and guided to engage in well-being cognition behavior that involved positive and optimistic self-talk in order to generate a state of positive affect within themselves. They attended five education sessions and were asked to read and recite well-being cognition statements at least 10 times, twice a day over a 3-week period. Results revealed that the well-being cognition group scored significantly higher than the control group on Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies, Positive Affect, Life Orientation Test-Revised, the Satisfaction With Life Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Expectancy Scale at post-treatment assessment. Additionally, the well-being cognition group scored significantly lower on Negative Affect and the Stress Response Inventory (including physiological symptoms, depression, and anger). These results suggest that reciting 'well-being cognitions' may be an effective strategy to promote well-being and reduce stress even when applied over a short period. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
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