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The Influence of a Sense of Loss, a Sense of Coherence and Depression on Ego-integrity in the Elderly:The Mediated Moderation Effect

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.3, pp.687-710

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This study discusses the structural relationship of a sense of loss, a sense of coherence, and the nature of depression which influences the ego integrity of the elderly. By targeting elderly participants aged 65+, the research utilizes the Ego Integrity Scale, the Scale of Sense of Loss for the Korean the Elderly, Sense of Coherence Scale, and the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Korea Version. The data were analyzed through correlation analysis and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM). The study results are as follows: first, a sense of loss and a sense of coherence had a significant relationship with the elderly's ego integrity; second, depression had a complete mediation effect in the relationship between a sense of loss and ego integrity; third, a sense of coherence moderated the relationship between the variables of a sense of loss and ego integrity; lastly, the mediated moderation effect of a depression on the relationship between ego integrity and two intertwined parameter, a sense of loss and a sense of coherence, was studied. Through analysis, partial mediated moderation effect of depression on ego integrity was founded. As the results above indicate, the study confirms the risk factors and protection factors of the ego integrity of elderly. Moreover, it illustrates the limitations for future research and proposes a novel understanding of how the elderly can age successfully; it also proposes possible directions for how to utilize the study's results in psychological adaptations of the community's elderly.

노인, 자아통합감, 상실감, 응집감, 우울, 매개된 조절효과, elderly, ego integrity, sense of loss, sense of coherence, depression, mediated moderation effect



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology