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The Moderating Effect of Ego Depletion in the Relationship between Pain Threat and Attentional bias: Eye-tracking study

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.4, pp.963-979

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The objective of this study was to determine the effects of pain threat and ego depletion on attentional bias for pain-related stimuli. This study was carried out on 85 university students in D city, Republic of Korea. The results showed that the interaction effect of ego depletion and pain threat on the first fixation latency index was significant. In the low ego depletion level, high pain-related threat group had a faster first fixation to pain-related words than neutral words, whereas the results for the low pain-related threat group were the vice versa. However, in the high ego depletion level, there was no significant effect on the pain-related threat groups for the first fixed duration. In addition, the interaction effect of group and word type on the first fixation duration index was marginally significant. In the low ego depletion level, high pain-related threat group had a longer fixation to pain-related words than neutral words, whereas the results for the low pain-related threat group were the vice versa. However, in the high ego depletion level, there was no significant effect on the pain-related threat groups for the dwell time index was not significant. This study provided empirical grounds for the effect of ego depletion on the relationship between pain threat and attention bias. And this study provides an idea for Attentional Bias Modification intervention. The results of this study can be applied for the maximum effect of Attentional Bias Modification intervention.

Attentional bias, Pain threat, Ego depletion, Eye-tracking, 주의편향, 통증위협, 자아고갈, 안구운동 추적



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology