ISSN : 1229-0653
This questionnaire study examined the marital processes linking economic pressure to emotional distress and marital conflict that, in turn, affect marital outcome such as marital satisfaction and marital stability among 183 low-income couples residing in Seoul. It also investigated whether both independent and interdependent self-construals moderate the effect of economic stress on both emotional distress and perception of martial conflict. As expected, economic stress was positively related to both emotional distress and perception of marital conflict among husbands and wives, which, in turn, promoted their negative conflict responses. Negative conflict responses among husbands were, as expected, negatively related to the couples' marital satisfaction, which, in turn, increased marital instability. As for coping with economic stress, findings provided support only for interdependent self-construal that reduced the adverse influence of economic stress on both wives' emotional distress and husbands' perception of marital conflict. These findings indicate that interdependent self-construal contributes to marital life among the low-income couple, and may protect marital life among husbands and wives in a different manner.
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