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Buroum: An Emotion Strategically Communicating Association and Approach Motives

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2010, v.24 no.2, pp.51-72

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This study examined social functions of two envy-related emotions in Korea: Buroum (benign envy) and sisem (malicious envy). Although these two emotions might share some common features as members of envy family,it was hypothesized that they are associated with solving different social problems and thus serve different social functions. The results showed that buroum was uniquely predicted by high level of social comparison orientation and low level of prevention motives. In addition, experience of being envied in terms of buroum, compared to that in terms of sisem, evoked greater eciprocal sense of closeness and desire to be close with the person who envied. These findings suggest that experience of sisem is associated with and is based on ‘separation' or ‘avoidance’ motives and serves a social function of balancing unjustified unfairness whereas the experience of buroum is associated with and is based on ‘association' or ‘approach' motives and serves a social function of managing interpersonal harmony and strengthening social ties in collectivist and interdependent cultures.

emotion, envy, Buroum, Sisem, admiration, social comparison, approach motive, 정서, 선망, 부러움, 시샘, 감탄, 사회비교, 접근 동기



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology