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Vol.28 No.3


This study examined the possible mediating effects of basic psychological needs satisfaction on the relation between perceived company and husband supports among highly educated married working women in their 30s. First, the measurement model yielded evidence of good fit. In addition, analyses of the structural model supported the indirect pathways of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Company and husband supports was positively related with basic psychological needs satisfaction. Also, husband supports and basic psychological needs satisfaction was positively relation with life satisfaction. Finally, company and husband supports was positively associated with basic psychological needs satisfaction, which in turn was related to life satisfaction. About 57% of variance in life satisfaction was explained by evaluative company and husband supports and basic psychological needs satisfaction. Implications for counseling practice and further research are discussed.


This study verified the role of social connectedness as a mediator to better understand the link between adult attachment dimension and depression among inmates. Adult attachment dimension, social connectedness, and depression of 130 inmates in a detention center in Seoul were measured. The researchers conducted correlational analysis and hierarchical regression recommended by Baron & Kenny(1986) to analyze the mediation effect. Avoidant adult attachment, anxious adult attachment, and depression were positively correlated while social connectedness was negatively correlated with the other three variables. Social connectedness fully mediated the relationship between avoidant adult attachment and depression. In contrast, social connectedness partially mediated the link between anxious adult attachment and depression. The main results emphasize social connectedness to deal with depression and call for differential intervention according to one’s attachment dimension. Implications for institutional improvement and counseling practice regarding inmates are discussed as well as limitations and suggestions for future research. (148 words).


Sense of community(SOC) is the indicator that shows how person thinks of his/her community. The deficiency of SOC is tightly correlated with social problems in today Especially, SOC may play an important role in the undergraduate student experience by individual’s wellbeing and social involvement. Current study examine the effect of sense of community on individual’s wellbeing (subjective happiness, perceived stress, depression, academic satisfaction, and school life satisfaction) and social involvement(volunteer’s experience and social distance toward minor groups). The total 541 respondents participated in this survey. The results showed that SOC predicted individual’s wellbeing as well as social involvements. Also, SOC was predicted by awareness of the university and satisfaction of service provided by the university. Further, SOC mediated between awareness of the university/satisfaction of service provided by the university and individual’s wellbeing/social involvement. The implication for this study were discussed.


The number of trials can influence P300-based concealed information test (P300-based CIT) in two ways. First, as the number of trial increases, the P300 amplitude is likely to reduce due to habituation. If P300 amplitude decreases, accuracy rate of P300 CIT would be declined. Second, as the number of trial increases, the power of test increases and then the accuracy rate would also be increased. This study is to verify whether the accuracy rate of P300 CIT declines or improves as the number of trials increases. After twenty-four participants performed a mock crime, lie detection test was administered to them by using the P300 CIT. Half of the participants was exposed to photo stimuli, and the other half was presented with letter stimuli. A target stimulus, a probe stimulus, and four irrelevant stimuli were presented 30 times in one block, and four blocks were presented to each participant. Contrary to our expectation, P300 amplitude to the target stimulus was smallest in the first block and was largest in the fourth block. P300 amplitude to the relevant stimulus and to the irrelevant stimuli tended to decrease slightly at the second half of the experiment. In bootstrapped amplitude difference tests, there was no significant difference in the accuracy rate as the number of blocks increase. In bootstrapped correlation difference tests, the accuracy rate tended to be lower when only the first block was used, compared to that when several blocks were included. There was no significant difference between the photo stimuli and the letter stimuli in both bootstrapped tests. Reasons why P300 amplitude by a target stimulus was increased and the bootstrapped correlation difference tests were impacted by the number of trials were discussed.


The present study examined the differences in perception of injustice, negative emotion, and situational specific rumination between justice conditions of no justice, retributive justice and restorative justice. Participants(N=55) experienced a supposed economical injustice as victims in the experimental situation. This study concerned how victims respond differently according to justice conditions. Results indicated that there were significant differences by justice condition. Negative emotion and rumination were less responded in restorative condition than other justice conditions. The results showed that restorative justice had positive influence on victim in terms of recovering their negative responses through a communication between victim and offender. The results also suggested that communication including offender’s apology played a essential role in victim’s restoration in the restorative justice context. Future directions concerning the meaning and possible implication of restorative justice are discussed. In addition, the limitation of this study are followed.


The present research investigated how empathy structures in task groups affect group members' task-focus, perceived entitativity and cohesion. Empathy structures in task groups were defined at the dyadic level, and three forms of empathy structures were investigated: empathy-balanced, empathy-imbalanced, non-empathy-balanced. It was hypothesized that in the two balanced structures, groups would experience higher levels of task-focus than in the imbalanced structure. In addition, empathy-balanced groups were expected to perceive higher levels of group entitativity and experience higher cohesion than other groups. In Study 1, we used a scenario method and manipulated three types of empathy structure. Results showed that the perceived entitativity was high in the empathy-balance condition, empathy-imbalance condition, and non-empathy-balance condition, in order. We found the same pattern of result on cohesion. We conducted Study 2 using bona-fide groups consists of Korean college students and replicated the findings of Study 2. In addition, groups with a structure of non-empathy-balance reported higher levels of task-focus than did groups with other types of empathy structures. Limitations and implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.


Many new and important developmental issues are encountered during adolescence, which is also a time when Internet use becomes increasingly popular. Studies have shown that adolescents are using these online spaces to address developmental issues, especially needs for intimacy and connection to others. Reis and P. Shaver's (1988) interpersonal process model of intimacy suggested both online and offline spaces. Six hundred and fifty-six high school students completed an questionnaire about the activities on social networking sites, online/offline self disclosure, responsiveness and intimacy. The result indicated that the relationship between self disclosure and intimacy was moderated by responsiveness in online space. On the other hand, responsiveness mediated the relation between the self disclosure and intimacy on offline space. Finally, the implications of these findings and directions for future study were discussed.


The present study examined when cultural differences in the better-than-average effect (the tendency to view oneself as better than average) would vary with trait desirability and why the differences would occurred. The researcher used Koreans and Westerners in Korea as representatives of East Asian and Western cultures, respectively. In Study 1, the author found that the magnitude of cultural difference in the better-than-average effect varied between Westerners and Koreans. While Korean participants failed to exhibit the better-than- average effect for any negative trait in 2010 year data, they showed the effect for negative traits in 2014 year data. In contrast, Westerners tended to display the better-than-average effect more than Koreans, and cultural difference was greater for negative traits than for positive traits. In Study 2 to pin down the underlying mechanism that gives rise to cultural differences, it was found that the other-enhancing orientation of the modesty norm influenced the cross-cultural difference. Westerners as well as Koreans did not show the better-than-average effect under the enhancement of the modesty norm. The findings indicate that Koreans of East Asian culture motivate to correct their own defects and improve themselves. Implications of the results and suggestions of the future studies were discussed.

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology